Home Maintenance Checklist

Owning and maintaining a home is no easy task. In fact, it takes careful planning and diligence to keep your house maintained properly. Much like a car, a home requires regular maintenance if you want it to last.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a home maintenance checklist to follow? Well now you will!

This checklist is separated by monthly, quarterly, and annual tasks. I have even separated the annual tasks by season to help you plan out your work!

monthly home tasks

Inspect HVAC filter and clean/replace as needed. 

Deep clean your refrigerator. This includes both the inside and outside of your fridge. I’m sure you have emptied all the leftovers, but it always good to take out drawers and clean all the nooks and crannies once a month too. While you’re working on it, go ahead and pull the refrigerator out to vacuum under and behind it, as well as the coils and vents. While you’re at it, you might as well do a similar cleaning to other major appliances like dishwashers, ovens, and microwaves.

Clean your oven hood filter. This can be done using any general degreaser. Just follow the directions on the products package.

Check ALL fire extinguishers. If they are all up to date and fully charged, your work is done. If not, replace or have them refilled as soon as possible.

Clean your garbage disposal. The simplest way to do this is to add vinegar and ice cubes and turn the disposal on for a few seconds. Then, flush it with hot water to rinse everything down the drain. I also like to add a small lemon wedge to give it a citrus smell.

Check in on unused spaces. This means flushing toilets and running sinks in less-used bathrooms or vacuuming empty bedrooms. Basically, do a quick clean and inspection in any space that does not get much use.

quarterly home tasks

Test smoke detectors. If the batteries are still strong and the detector functions properly, you’re all set. If not, make a note of which ones you need to replace and do so as soon as possible.

Do a deep clean. I definitely recommend consistent cleaning for your home, but every quarter it makes sense to step it up and perform a deep clean. This means moving everything out of closets and cubbies, moving furniture, and cleaning behind/under appliances. Think of all the places you may neglect during a normal cleaning and make sure to get them!

Clean your dryer vent. Hopefully you’re already doing this. If not, it’s time to start. You can do this yourself if you’re up to the task, or you can find a pro to do it.

Scan your plumbing. Chances are you’re not a plumber. That’s okay! You can still do a quick scan of the exposed pipes and faucets throughout your home to make sure there are no leaks or moisture.

annual home tasks


Clean gutters. Chances are the winter months dropped a lot of debris onto your roof and into your gutters. Take a couple hours to clean out your gutters.

Check your home’s exterior. Wintertime is brutal on a home’s exterior, so I recommend doing an in-depth check for damage each spring. Here are a few things to look for:

  1. Peeling paint or cracked siding.
  2. Cracks in masonry or missing mortar from porches and chimneys.
  3. Dead limbs in trees.
  4. Check for damaged shingles and flashing on your roof.
  5. Gaps around windows or doors.

Get an AC tune-up. Spring is the time to give your air conditioner a tune-up. Make sure you do this early, HVAC companies get very busy this time of year!

Replace/repair screens. More than likely you won’t have to do this every spring, but it’s worth looking each year to see if any damage is there.


Check for insects. I recommend having this monitored by professionals, which would prevent you from having to keep an eye on it. You can get on a monthly plan that guarantees protection from all sorts of common insects. Otherwise, you’ll need to do periodic inspections and take precautions on your own.

Clean/repair decks and patios. Some years you may only need to do a simple cleaning with a power washer. Some years you may need to replace deck boards or paver stones. The important thing is that you check all of your patios and decks each year to prevent major damage.

Deep clean your garage. Nothing says summer like emptying out the garage and giving it a deep clean. I also recommend taking time to organize tools and storage totes too. For best results, move everything out of the garage as you’re cleaning to help identify things you don’t want anymore and to make sure you clean every inch of the space.


Clean air ducts. Over time your air ducts collect all kinds of dust and dander. I recommend having them cleaned out each fall to keep your air quality high. Doing it early in the fall will help you prevent having to turn on your heat before they are clean.

Clean gutters. Seems like you just cleaned the gutters, right? True, but it’s likely you’ll need to do it at least 1 more time at the end of fall. If you have several mature trees in your yard, you may have to do it 2 or 3 times each fall.

Get a furnace tune-up. Just like the AC tune-up in the spring, only for your furnace. Most HVAC companies offer affordable specials for this so be on the lookout for coupons or specials. A tune-up should help identify any potential problems and also help your furnace to perform at its peak.

Check and repair driveway. Winter is on its way and your driveway will take a beating. That’s why it’s important to fix any damage in your driveway before the cold hits. Be on the lookout for chips and cracks and repair as needed.

Stock up on winter supplies. You don’t want to get caught in a blizzard without a snow shovel or rock salt. That’s why the fall is the best time to buy all of the supplies you’ll need to get through the winter.


Test interior locks and doors. It’s too cold to be outside in the winter, so I recommend focusing on indoor projects. Spend a little time checking to make sure all of your locks function properly, and replace or repair as needed. Do the same with doors too.

Check caulking. Your tubs and sinks should all have caulk around them to prevent moisture problems, but this caulk won’t last forever. I suggest checking all of your sinks, showers, and tubs each winter to see if any repairs are needed.

Check electrical outlets. You probably don’t want to mess with electricity too much, but it’s worth spending time identifying if any outlets or switches are not working.

Check for ice dams. If you cleaned your gutters throughout the year and your attic space is insulated properly, you should not have to worry about this. However, it’s worth checking periodically to make sure there are no ice dams on your roof.

This list is by no means exhaustive, but it’s a great place to start for any homeowner.

This list is provided by JLGHandyman


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